Literaura w języku angielskim

Literatura piękna dla dorosłych

  1. Ahern C. - The time of my life 
  2. Assayas M. - Bono on Bono
  3. Beckett S. - The chemistry of death
  4. Binchy M. - A week in winter
  5. Brett P.V.- The painted Man
  6. Brett P.V. - The daylight war
  7. Brett P.V. - The desert spear
  8. Brown D. - The Da Vinci code
  9. Calman C. - Love is a four letter word
  10. Canon J. - Tales from he Town of Widows
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Liteatura popularnonaukowa dla dorosłych

  1. Bray Ch. - Sean Connery
  2. Clinton B. - My Life 
  3. Du Noyer P. - John Lennon
  4. Fonda J. - My life so far
  5. Freestone P. - Freddie Mercury
  6. Gascoigne P. - Being Gazza
  7. Meikle D. - Johnny Depp
  8. Mercer R. - Angelina Jolie
  9. Osbourne O. - I am Ozzy
  10. Rees J. - Wenger. The making of a legend
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